Busy Weekend!

What a weekend we had!

Yeah, we're still dealing with the double ear infection and Jack's horror with having the ear drops put in. However, a visit from his Auntie Alisa (or AUNNIE) as Jack calls her, and everything was great.

Despite my being sick, we still enjoyed some wings at BWW yesterday as well as dinner at Big Bowl and a very fun engagement party for Mike and Sarah. It was fun to see some of my brother's friends all grown up- seems like just yesterday they were playing peewee hockey. 

Jack had a great weekend. We got him a new tent with a tunnel and he LOVES playing in both of them. He learned how to say "crash" (when he drives himself into the wall with his ride-on car), he's getting much better at actually hitting his mouth with the spoon when eating his yogurt or applesauce, he's learning how to appropriately say "please" and "yes" and the biggest thing he learned this weekend? OH yes. He learned that it might be really funny to imitate America's Funniest Home Videos. We were laughing at people getting knocked down by giant exercise balls and all of a sudden he started throwing himself on the floor and falling over FACE FIRST. So... that will be the last we keep THAT show on in his presence!

All in all, a great weekend! Pics to come !

Quick Thursday T-Town Update

This mama got very little sleep last night because of the cold that her and Jack have both been suffering from for the past week or so. I suppose it didn't help that I used a NON drowsy cold medication. Not good!

Well, Jack has his own set of issues from this nagging cold- he has another ear infection. So far, it is just discharge coming from his ear and a low-grade fever. Otherwise, you'd never know that he was sick. He's still as funny and fast as can be!

More of Jack's Toddler Town to come!


Hello! It's Jack. Hello is one of my favorite words right now. Applesauce too. Oh, and Elmo and Mickey. Don't forget Mommy & Daddy.

I had a fun day at school today! We did the usual, read books and listened to music, but my teachers sent my mommy and daddy a note to tell them how much I love music and storytime, that I love to play "freeze" and yup, that I can tiptoe, skate and gallup! I showed off my tiptoe skills tonight and it made mommy and daddy laugh.

Since this is my first post, I thought I would share some new pictures of me.

Off to bed for a night of good sleep! Bye!

Jack tries to talk his way out of it

Being 18 months old, Jack explores, he is curious and he now lies.

He was caught opening the office door and gets busted. He gives an explanation on his actions but his eyes show the deception.

Welcome to the Blog!

It has been 17 months since our precious boy Jack came into our life. I have tried several different blog avenues but I am BACK to blogger! It is just too easy and hey, doesn't it look great?

I really wanted to find a good place to post photos and keep friends and family up to date with what is going on in Jack's world. We are busy people and recognize that many don't get to see him often- and even though you are far away, we can keep Jack close to your hearts.

You'll get updates from me, Drew and yes... even Jack.

We can't wait to bring you more from Jack's Toddler Town!
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