Jack's 1st Time Sledding

Jack's 2 Year Checkup

Just wanted to put up a quick update on Jack's 2 year checkup!

We are happy to report that we have a very normal, healthy little boy. He has some hay fever (allergy) issues just like daddy but other than that, he is perfect. A little on the short side at 32.5" tall, 32lbs and developmentally advanced for his age. He got the flu mist and one little vaccination which he took like a total champ. His ears are looking good and his tubes are about to fall out- we haven't had an infection since early this spring so we are hoping we have made it over that phase for good.

We feel so lucky and blessed to have such a healthy little boy! A big shout out and thank you to all of our family and friends that joined us for Jack's 2nd birthday. It is so wonderful to have everyone come and celebrate with us- it was a great day and we are grateful for your love and support.

Jack's ABC's

The Last Unofficial Weekend of Summer

It's Labor Day weekend which pretty much officially draws an end to the summer and it was a good one! Jack is a very talkative two year old and pretty much repeats everything we say (which means mom and dad have to REALLY watch our mouths now!). He counts to 10, recites the ABC's, sings songs and still dances up a storm. Here are some snippets of our Labor Day weekend!

Fishin' at the Children's Museum

Playing with the giant sunflowers in the Habitot

Running and climbing in the Habitot

Corn at the Wizard of Oz Exhibit

Trying to steal the corn at the Wizard of Oz exhibit

He went through this tunnel a thousand times in Earth World

He went through the tunnel and down this slide a thousand times at Earth World

Cruisin' at the Zoo in his new birthday present!

"Hi, Mr. Goat."

Smiles at the Zoo

Sweetest Father-Son Picture Ever
Jack- Doin' the Robot

Jack at the Zoo. He loved the Rooster!

Silly Little Jokester

Here's a little Jack snack to share. He's such a little jokester.

Happy Summer!

Happy Summer everyone! Jack is doing great. He is big and he is talkative. We are proud parents of our little man who can recite his ABC's up to the letter M, count to 10, can tell you what colors different objects are and knows his shapes. Yeah... he's a genius (at least in our eyes).

Here are some treats to celebrate summer! Hope you can handle the cuteness...

Jack and his Cousin Miles = Hams

Jack and his cousins Blaine & Miles on the 4th of July. So sweet!!

Jack decided it would be fun to splash in Papa's bird bath.

Jack LOVES his bike trailer, or motorcycle ride as he calls it.

Jack wants Sadie to play toys with him. Might be time to think about that brother or sister for him...

Jack at the Wild prospect scrimmage game

Drew, Jack & Nordy

Summertime Fun!

It has been busy times, but thought I'd share a fun first.

Jack got to ride his first pony and he LOVED it!

A Little Behind

Sorry that we haven't been very good at updating the blog lately! Since Jack has been HEALTHY (i.e. ear infection free) for the past couple months, we have really just spending time being a busy family!

Jack is growing like a weed and can easily get onto all the furniture and tries to climb it as high as he can go without any thought to how far that fall could be. He's definitely all boy and all adventure all the time. We've had a busy summer so far- we became Members of and went to the Zoo over Memorial weekend. Jack had a GREAT time playing with the goats- it was nearly impossible to drag him away. He's such a busy boy that he refuses to ride in his stroller- he would much rather walk everywhere! We also got Jack some water toys for the yard- he was a little uncertain about his crabby pool at first but very quickly found the fun in it. We also got him a caterpillar sprinkler which he finds a little scary yet hilarious at the same time.

He's talking up a storm. It's impossible to keep tack of how much he says now. He's such a little man. He's also a little LADIE'S MAN! We got a personal e-mail from daycare with this story about our sweetheart:

Jack was so darn sweet and cute today I had to write you an email and let you know. A new little girl, Lily, started in the Toddlers today. She has been having a pretty good day overall, but when I stepped in to let Ms. Conrad have a restroom break, she started to cry. Jack picked up her pink fuzzy blanket off of her cot and brought it over to her she took it from him and stopped crying. He was so sweet! What a wonderful little boy you have!

We're so proud of our little boy! 


Healthy Happy Jack

We had a GREAT family weekend. Jack was feeling great and he got a fun new toy to play with!! We'll just say this thing has provided a lot of distraction and entertainment for our little guy.

Not to mention he is showing skills with the baseball bat.

Some cute pics

TBall. Starting him out young.

Having fun on his new slide.

"I see you daddy!"

Happy Little Boy

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Yup, you heard right. We attend parent/teacher conferences for our 19 month old.

While the best part of it is hearing about all the wonderful things my son says and does- everything from picking up his toys to yes, peeing on the potty, it is also a great opportunity to just touch base and make sure that nothing is being missed between home and school. He is in such great hands at his school- his teachers are excellent. I also love how they really take our comments and recommendations into consideration. In a recent parent satisfaction survey there were a lot of complaints about nutrition and food options. Needless to say, they very quickly fixed the problem and have really done a great job fixing the menu as well as using FRESH foods (rather than the typical, pre-packaged school food fare). It was a great meeting today. We are so incredibly proud of our Jack. He is beyond smart and we can't wait to see all the wonderful things he has to offer as he grows up.

To keep you updated on his health, yes, we are still struggling with ear infections. At a checkup with his pediatrician today, we have been referred back to our ENT to discuss a possible adenoidectomy. Not to say this will happen for sure, but it is a possibility. We need to figure out why this poor kid can't seem to shake these darn infections! Meanwhile he remains a super trooper. Jack is still as energetic a toddler as you can imagine. We've also definitely hit the "watch what you say" phase at our house- he repeats every word we say!

Jack Cuteness

Here are some cute and funny videos for your viewing pleasure!

Sick in the House of Koenig

It has been a rough couple weeks in this house! All of us got hit with a bug that pretty much knocked us down for a week each. We're finally feeling better and ready to start enjoying the spring! We've been spending a lot of time out on the porch looking for geese and waving to the cars going by.

Currently trying to get all of our fun videos downloaded but here are some pictures!
Easter in Rochester @ Great Grandma Koenig's 

Playing with Daddy

Playing on the slide at School
I like XBox- Just like Daddy!

Rough Week

Sorry for the lack of posting lately- we had a little bit of a rough week in the Koenig house. Last Saturday, Jack started running a pretty high fever. At least, I think 103.7 is pretty high. We knew he likely had issues with his ear, but when his eyes started getting gunk coming out of them, we knew there was something else going on too. He was being treated for an ear infection about 10 days prior to this and had made a follow up appointment with his ENT doc. The timing was good and this doc does not mess around. Turns out Jack had a sinus infection. Poor kid. He's probably had it for awhile and just never got better on its own. After a few days of cuddling and antibiotics he is doing so much better.We did find out at the doctor that our chunky monkey is 28 lbs. He's getting so big!

We attended his Spring Parade at daycare on Tuesday- cute as always. Jack and I walked the parade holding hands and then we played with the kids on the playground for a little bit afterwords. What a beautiful day and week it ended up to be! It seemed strange to bring all of his winter gear home (to be put directly into storage never to be worn again).

Not sure if we told everyone, but we're also excited to be finishing up our basement! It is coming along quickly and can't wait to get it all done so we can let Jack run wild down there. We always feel like we're pulling him away from things on the main level so it will be great to put together his official playroom and let him run free down there and just be a BOY! I'm sure he'll find ways to get in trouble down there, but for now we're going to assume that it will just be a great place for him to run around.

We're getting excited for the Easter weekend! We talked to the Easter Bunny on Jack's behalf and he is getting an awesome Easter basket. His first ever! We didn't do one last year, but are excited to start this fun tradition with him. Church might have to wait a couple years though for this rambunctious little boy.

We'll have pictures and video from the parade and all the progress on the basement coming real soon!

Happy Easter! God Bless!

It is Wednesday Already?

Hey- It's Jack. Bloggin' from my crib. Don't tell Mommy. Oh wait... she heard me singing on the monitor! Busted.

I had a totally rad time over the weekend. Mommy and Daddy are super impressed with all my new verbal skills. I can say everyone's names now and say them when they come up on the Digi picture frame. Mommy, Daddy, Sadie, Alisa (I say it "issa"), grandma, papa, Blaine, Miles, Jenny... the list goes on. I hope I can remember how to say them on Easter.

Auntie Alisa came to stay with me over the weekend and we had tons of fun. Saturday night, Mommy and Daddy went out on a date night- they saw Avatar in 3D and thought it was cool. I got tired really fast because Alisa and I played SO much. Sunday, Mommy and Daddy were busy cleaning up the house and basement for the construction guys. Alisa took me on a walk and we went to the park- it was a BLAST! I wouldn't let her put me in the stroller on the way home and I ran a long way. It made me tired and crabby.

Alisa and Mommy went to a concert on Monday night- the Black Eyed Peas. I love dancing to their song "I Gotta Feeling". So it was just Daddy and I. He let me watch Shrek and I loved it! Especially the Donkey. He's my favorite.

Anyway, I better get back to sleep now before Mommy catches me.

Some More Funny From Jack

Jack is a big Wild fan. His new favorite word is "Hockey"

Jack is also obsessed with Lady Gaga

I'm guessing he learned these dance moves from his mommy

Jack's Busy Weekend

Well, we made it through Daylight Savings again. Jack still slept his full 12 hours waking up at 8a this morning (that was kinda nice). He still got tired tonight right around 7p and as usual, brought him up to bed just before 7:30p. His room was pretty bright and I think he was a little confused. He laid there for awhile and then got up and cried for a little bit, grabbed a new Nuk and laid back down again. He's been sleeping peacefully ever since. Phew! I hope every night this spring and summer is as easy as this!

We did get the news that our good friends had their baby on Friday- Baby Liam was born a little early though and he will be in the hospital for awhile. We are praying and hoping that he continues to stay strong and will get to go home and be with his family soon!

Jack got another super cute little man haircut yesterday and he wasn't too happy about it. I wish I had a camera- his angry face was absolutely priceless. Today, we had a nice visit from Auntie Alisa & Grandma K who played and played and PLAYED with him.

Such a big boy- we measured his height on his chart in his room today- he's 31.5" tall. He's grown almost 2" in the past month and a half!! Incredible!

Here are some pictures from the weekend:
Say WHA?

Snoozin' On My New Cot
Grandma K helping me blow bubbles

Jack's latest craze is spinning around in circles to dance, but of course it makes him dizzy. He's so funny. He also LOVES his dog.

Weekend Visit from Gma and Papa

My weekend was freelance, nothing planned, no long trips, nothing structures. Friday night Gma and Papa came over for a visit! Papa had these large boots and I wanted to show them what a big boy I was so I had Papa put them on me and let me walk around.

Check it out.

Our Weekend

For the first time in... I can't even remember... we had a weekend with NO PLANS! It's true! We did have a nice but brief visit from Grandma & Grandpa K on Friday evening and Jack held up pretty well considering it was dangerously close to bedtime.

Saturday, the family took an excursion out to Babies R Us. With a list in my mind of all the things I needed to get, I seemed to forget every last one of them by the time I got there. It is always fun to see Jack so excited about all the toys and saying "BUH-BYE" to, well, everyone. Driving home, Jack passed out but he woke up just in time to try his first McDonald's Happy Meal. He wasn't impressed. We did discover that he loves ketchup. I can name a half a dozen people on either side of our families of where that habit comes from. After an unsuccessful 1.5 hours of not napping, Jack headed out to do some man chores with his daddy. Some Home Depot, a forgotten wallet... good times. After this crazy day, we settled in to watch some Elmo- I look over at 6:30p and the little guy was barely holding it together. He was in bed for the first time, I think ever, before 7p. He slept until 7a.

Our Sunday was relatively uneventful, other than asking Jack a question and him answering "Huh?" Not much else really seemed important after that. Mostly because I laughed for a good 10 minutes and asked... "Gee I wonder where he picked that up from..."

Here's a gem from the weekend:
I've decided... he'll either become a brilliant musician or be addicted to Guitar Hero X on the XBox.

Toddler Town Tuesday

Jack loves his new tent! He dives head first into it and his Sadie pup follows him in there now. So cute.

His ear infections seem to be getting better. Our colds seem to be on the way out (FINALLY). It ALMOST feels like spring is around the corner. Happy days are here!

Busy Weekend!

What a weekend we had!

Yeah, we're still dealing with the double ear infection and Jack's horror with having the ear drops put in. However, a visit from his Auntie Alisa (or AUNNIE) as Jack calls her, and everything was great.

Despite my being sick, we still enjoyed some wings at BWW yesterday as well as dinner at Big Bowl and a very fun engagement party for Mike and Sarah. It was fun to see some of my brother's friends all grown up- seems like just yesterday they were playing peewee hockey. 

Jack had a great weekend. We got him a new tent with a tunnel and he LOVES playing in both of them. He learned how to say "crash" (when he drives himself into the wall with his ride-on car), he's getting much better at actually hitting his mouth with the spoon when eating his yogurt or applesauce, he's learning how to appropriately say "please" and "yes" and the biggest thing he learned this weekend? OH yes. He learned that it might be really funny to imitate America's Funniest Home Videos. We were laughing at people getting knocked down by giant exercise balls and all of a sudden he started throwing himself on the floor and falling over FACE FIRST. So... that will be the last we keep THAT show on in his presence!

All in all, a great weekend! Pics to come !

Quick Thursday T-Town Update

This mama got very little sleep last night because of the cold that her and Jack have both been suffering from for the past week or so. I suppose it didn't help that I used a NON drowsy cold medication. Not good!

Well, Jack has his own set of issues from this nagging cold- he has another ear infection. So far, it is just discharge coming from his ear and a low-grade fever. Otherwise, you'd never know that he was sick. He's still as funny and fast as can be!

More of Jack's Toddler Town to come!


Hello! It's Jack. Hello is one of my favorite words right now. Applesauce too. Oh, and Elmo and Mickey. Don't forget Mommy & Daddy.

I had a fun day at school today! We did the usual, read books and listened to music, but my teachers sent my mommy and daddy a note to tell them how much I love music and storytime, that I love to play "freeze" and yup, that I can tiptoe, skate and gallup! I showed off my tiptoe skills tonight and it made mommy and daddy laugh.

Since this is my first post, I thought I would share some new pictures of me.

Off to bed for a night of good sleep! Bye!

Jack tries to talk his way out of it

Being 18 months old, Jack explores, he is curious and he now lies.

He was caught opening the office door and gets busted. He gives an explanation on his actions but his eyes show the deception.

Welcome to the Blog!

It has been 17 months since our precious boy Jack came into our life. I have tried several different blog avenues but I am BACK to blogger! It is just too easy and hey, doesn't it look great?

I really wanted to find a good place to post photos and keep friends and family up to date with what is going on in Jack's world. We are busy people and recognize that many don't get to see him often- and even though you are far away, we can keep Jack close to your hearts.

You'll get updates from me, Drew and yes... even Jack.

We can't wait to bring you more from Jack's Toddler Town!
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