Our Weekend

For the first time in... I can't even remember... we had a weekend with NO PLANS! It's true! We did have a nice but brief visit from Grandma & Grandpa K on Friday evening and Jack held up pretty well considering it was dangerously close to bedtime.

Saturday, the family took an excursion out to Babies R Us. With a list in my mind of all the things I needed to get, I seemed to forget every last one of them by the time I got there. It is always fun to see Jack so excited about all the toys and saying "BUH-BYE" to, well, everyone. Driving home, Jack passed out but he woke up just in time to try his first McDonald's Happy Meal. He wasn't impressed. We did discover that he loves ketchup. I can name a half a dozen people on either side of our families of where that habit comes from. After an unsuccessful 1.5 hours of not napping, Jack headed out to do some man chores with his daddy. Some Home Depot, a forgotten wallet... good times. After this crazy day, we settled in to watch some Elmo- I look over at 6:30p and the little guy was barely holding it together. He was in bed for the first time, I think ever, before 7p. He slept until 7a.

Our Sunday was relatively uneventful, other than asking Jack a question and him answering "Huh?" Not much else really seemed important after that. Mostly because I laughed for a good 10 minutes and asked... "Gee I wonder where he picked that up from..."

Here's a gem from the weekend:
I've decided... he'll either become a brilliant musician or be addicted to Guitar Hero X on the XBox.


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