Happy Summer!

Happy Summer everyone! Jack is doing great. He is big and he is talkative. We are proud parents of our little man who can recite his ABC's up to the letter M, count to 10, can tell you what colors different objects are and knows his shapes. Yeah... he's a genius (at least in our eyes).

Here are some treats to celebrate summer! Hope you can handle the cuteness...

Jack and his Cousin Miles = Hams

Jack and his cousins Blaine & Miles on the 4th of July. So sweet!!

Jack decided it would be fun to splash in Papa's bird bath.

Jack LOVES his bike trailer, or motorcycle ride as he calls it.

Jack wants Sadie to play toys with him. Might be time to think about that brother or sister for him...

Jack at the Wild prospect scrimmage game

Drew, Jack & Nordy
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