Rough Week

Sorry for the lack of posting lately- we had a little bit of a rough week in the Koenig house. Last Saturday, Jack started running a pretty high fever. At least, I think 103.7 is pretty high. We knew he likely had issues with his ear, but when his eyes started getting gunk coming out of them, we knew there was something else going on too. He was being treated for an ear infection about 10 days prior to this and had made a follow up appointment with his ENT doc. The timing was good and this doc does not mess around. Turns out Jack had a sinus infection. Poor kid. He's probably had it for awhile and just never got better on its own. After a few days of cuddling and antibiotics he is doing so much better.We did find out at the doctor that our chunky monkey is 28 lbs. He's getting so big!

We attended his Spring Parade at daycare on Tuesday- cute as always. Jack and I walked the parade holding hands and then we played with the kids on the playground for a little bit afterwords. What a beautiful day and week it ended up to be! It seemed strange to bring all of his winter gear home (to be put directly into storage never to be worn again).

Not sure if we told everyone, but we're also excited to be finishing up our basement! It is coming along quickly and can't wait to get it all done so we can let Jack run wild down there. We always feel like we're pulling him away from things on the main level so it will be great to put together his official playroom and let him run free down there and just be a BOY! I'm sure he'll find ways to get in trouble down there, but for now we're going to assume that it will just be a great place for him to run around.

We're getting excited for the Easter weekend! We talked to the Easter Bunny on Jack's behalf and he is getting an awesome Easter basket. His first ever! We didn't do one last year, but are excited to start this fun tradition with him. Church might have to wait a couple years though for this rambunctious little boy.

We'll have pictures and video from the parade and all the progress on the basement coming real soon!

Happy Easter! God Bless!


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